Night's Watch
A Song Of Ice & Fire Night's Watch Starter Set
In the far North, at the very edge of civilization in Westeros, the Night’s Watch tirelessly guard T..
Builder Scorpion Crew
Life on the Wall can be hard, but the Brothers of the Night’s Watch look out for one-another. It doe..
Builder Stone Thrower
The Builders are one of the traditional institutions of the Night’s Watch. Due to the nature of thei..
Night's Watch Builder Crossbowmen
The Builders are the designers, engineers, and craftsmen that keep the Night’s Watch stocked with ar..
Night's Watch Conscripts
When one makes their way into the Night’s Watch, they aren’t simply made a Sworn Brother immediately..
Night's Watch Heroes 1
From Castle Black, the Night’s Watch guards the formidable Wall, which is used to protect all of Wes..
Night's Watch Heroes 2
The Night’s Watch is meant to be a sworn brotherhood of warriors, one force against the dangers that..
Night's Watch Heroes 3
Even further north than the lands of House Stark lays The Wall. This imposing edifice protects the r..
Night's Watch Ranger Hunters
Speed is often the deciding factor in combat. The one that can get in a good, strong strike against ..
Night's Watch Ranger Vanguard
The Night’s Watch’s Rangers are adept horsemen that are able to scout quickly through areas and repo..
Nights Watch Attachments 1
The Night’s Watch will gladly take in anyone and everyone in order to bolster their ranks. They are ..