A Song Of Ice & Fire

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Golden Company Swordmen

Golden Company Swordmen

You want to get good value for your money. No commander wants to spend all their money on a mercenar..


Golden Company War Elephants

Golden Company War Elephants

When you’re a mercenary company with as deep of coffers as the Golden Company, you can offer things ..


Greyjoy Heroes 1

Greyjoy Heroes 1

While the Lannisters, Starks, Baratheons, and factions within Westeros are busy fighting over the Ir..


Greyjoy Heroes 2

Greyjoy Heroes 2

A Kraken’s many tentacles can seemingly act independently from one-another, but always for the great..


Greyjoy Ironmakers

Greyjoy Ironmakers

Every House requires troops of all types in the wars that happen throughout Westeros. Allied with Ho..


Harma's Vanguard

Harma's Vanguard

Harma’s Vanguard for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game gives Free Folk ..


Hedge Knights

Hedge Knights

There are many nobles in Westeros that don’t directly belong to any of the major or even minor House..


Highgarden Pikemen

Highgarden Pikemen

After the death of Robert Baratheon, House Baratheon became a House divided. Robert’s brothers, Stan..


House Clegane Brigands

House Clegane Brigands

“The Mountain that Rides” Gregor Clegane is well-known for his brutal nature in combat. The units fi..


House Harlaw Reapers

House Harlaw Reapers

The sigil of House Harlaw is a silver scythe. The House Harlaw Reapers have taken that sigil and tur..


Iron Victory Crew

Iron Victory Crew

The sight of Kraken sails coming over the horizon fills any settlement with dread, but none moreso t..


Ironborn Bowmen

Ironborn Bowmen

House Greyjoy’s influence spreads like the tentacles of the kraken that adorns their banners. While ..


Ironborn Reavers

Ironborn Reavers

All along the cost of Westeros, sailors know to fear the Ironborn Reavers. Sightings of their longsh..


Ironborn Trappers

Ironborn Trappers

House Greyjoy isn’t entirely concerned with taking the Iron Throne during the latest war in Westeros..


Karstark Loyalists

Karstark Loyalists

House Stark has many faithful bannermen that gladly march to war alongside the major house. One of t..


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