A Song Of Ice & Fire
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Baratheon Sentinels
For most armies, the armor worn by the Baratheon Sentinels would count them as heavy infantry. But f..
Baratheon Stag Knights
The Stag Knights are House Baratheon’s finest unit. Their ranks are made up of nobles, each bearing ..
Baratheon Thorn Watch
Normally, any dedicated ranged unit is entirely dependent on others if the enemy closes into melee r..
Baratheon Wardens
House Baratheon’s battle doctrine is fairly simple: be strong like iron. They outfit their troops in..
Blacktyde Chosen
When people along the coast see the banner of the Kraken, they pray that the Blacktyde Chosen aren’t..
Bloody Mummer Skirmishers
There are many mercenary companies in Westeros. Each one must find a way to stand out from the rest...
Bolton Bastard's Girls
Dogs have been used as part of the hunt for hundreds of years. Their keen sense of smell, swift runn..
Bolton Cutthroats
The Cutthroats of House Bolton have a reputation that follows them onto the battlefield and drives f..
Bolton Dreadfort Blackguards
House Bolton's reputation makes you either run in terror or calls you to celebrate their wanton viol..
Brazen Beasts
A Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game is a competitive miniatures game for two or more ..
Builder Scorpion Crew
Life on the Wall can be hard, but the Brothers of the Night’s Watch look out for one-another. It doe..
Builder Stone Thrower
The Builders are one of the traditional institutions of the Night’s Watch. Due to the nature of thei..
Casterly Rock Honor Guards
Equipped with the finest plate armor, the Casterly Rock Honor Guard’s high defensive capabilities al..
Crannogman Trackers
In combat, hitting the enemy without them being able to hit you back is a very powerful ability. In ..